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    Скачать Apocalyptica - End of me mp3

    СКАЧАТЬ (DOWNLOAD) 01.12.2011, 14:13

    Слушать онлайн песню: Apocalyptica - End of me

    Текст песни, слова музыки, перевод песни: Apocalyptica - End of me:

    Rosaries left under the mattress of the memories who could bear the witness
    As you slip into oblivion, use it like a weapon
    Am I left to bleed waiting for the moment when you've had your fun
    A loaded gun

    Take away your broken misery, I don't want to waste your memory
    This love, this love is gonna be the end of me
    Everything I gave is wasted, I'm the one who suffocated
    This love, this love is gonna be the end of

    Can't resist poisoning the message
    Just a narcissist trapped inside the wreckage
    And the sympathy I had is gone deadened by the ceremony
    Drama queen stand behind your empire as your kingdom falls all because

    Take away your broken misery, I don't want to waste your memory
    This love, this love is gonna be the end of me.
    Everything I gave is wasted, I'm the one who suffocated
    This love, this love is gonna be the end of ME

    Your rescue, my undo
    I'm not the one to save you
    I'm empty completely
    I’m drowning in your shadow

    Take away your broken misery, I don't want to waste your memory
    This love, this love is gonna be the end of me.
    Everything I gave is wasted, I'm the one who suffocated
    This love, this love is gonna be the end of

    Cant chase away your ghost, inside it only grows
    Nothing left but misery
    This will be the end of me
    All the shit that you created, all the scars you celebrated
    Couldn’t take away the pain
    Couldn’t resurrect your gain
    This love will be the end of me, this love will be the end.
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